Snowmen Doodles

Snow doodles and snowmen doodles are among my favorite to create

I know it’s almost Spring but….

All my doodles mean something special to me… every single one. They come from happy times and awesome memories! I’m a Midwest girl….well, for over 50 years! Now, I live in the south and my snow memories are even more precious!

My mom was “older” when she had me, but you’d never know it!! Snow days were the most amazing days! Mom would take me (and often times the grandkids!) sledding at the school yard or at the hills adjacent to the city cemetery. We had sleds of all kinds, snow toys, and my favorite were the plastic snow skis! I remember coming inside to warm up and get dry clothes on and mom would have hot cocoa on the stove and brownies or cookies coming out of the oven! We’d make snow ice cream and add all the toppings! On days that were too cold, she would make homemade playdoh! So many blessings on snowy days!

Snow doodles and snowmen doodles are among my favorite to create….they remind me of the simple sweet “times”….